About About Awai

Remembering the Future

Amidst the vast mountains and
one suddenly feels,
that our standing here
is a result
of those who stood previously

To those who will stand after us
To the descendants
of those we love
What stories and tales will
we pass on and discuss?

This village perched deep
in the forest trails
It would be forever lost
without the people to tell
its tales

Touch the memories of the land
Ponder the unexplored “you”
This village brings forth
an experience
you never planned.

Our hope is,
That after these two nights and
three days in earth’s time
You will pass on the tales
through your own words.

The stories that gradually
will eventually
become our stories too,
and for generations to come,
continue to be told.

Eternal and unfinished,
these words,
we will continuously collect.

And we shall henceforth
call them,
“The Tales of the Land
and Culture of Narayama”

If poems are
the poured out relics
of words that cannot
be spoken

Then Awai must be a poem in itself

How will you gaze upon,
tell and retell
this collection of tales?
